
Showing posts with the label vaccination of stray dogs

Who are Street dog & Problems caused by street dogs ?

Who are street dogs ?  Street dogs , known in scientific literature as  free-ranging urban dogs ,  are unconfined dogs that live in cities. They live virtually everywhere where cities exist and the local human population allows, especially in the  developing world  and the  former USSR . Street dogs may be  stray dogs , pets which have strayed from or are abandoned by their owners, or may be  feral  animals that have never been owned.  Street dogs may be stray  purebreds , true  mixed-breed dogs , or unbred  landraces  such as the  Indian pariah dog . Street dog overpopulation can cause problems for the societies in which they live, so campaigns to  spay and neuter  them are sometimes implemented. They tend to differ from  rural free-ranging dogs  in their skill sets, socialization, and ecological effects. Problems caused by street dogs Bites Like  wolves , to survive, street dogs need to avoid conflict with humans. However, dog bites and  dog attacks  can occur when dogs are trying to